It’s been a great year; one filled with growth and opportunity, hard work and tough decisions. As 2014 slowly comes to a close, we deserve a moment to celebrate our successes, reflect on our achievements, and revel in good company!
We cordially invite you to a collaborative holiday social festivity organized among six of SD’s most prominent marketing meetups. Let's get celebrate the holiday season Tuesday, December 16th with our friends and neighbors in the SD marketing community.
The event will be held from 6:00 - 9:00 PM at Geary LSF, located downtown at 401 West A Street, Suite 360, San Diego CA 92101
Expect food, drinks and spirits. Perhaps even a few gifts for those for who have been good and who have attended all of our awesome events this past year 😉
You can RSVP at any of our pages but hurry - space is limited!!!
- SEM SAN DIEGO: http://www.meetup.com/SEM-San-Diego/
- Internet Marketing San Diego: http://www.meetup.com/InternetMarketingSanDiego/
- San Diego SEO: http://www.meetup.com/sandiegoSEO/
- Refresh SD: http://www.meetup.com/RefreshSD/
- HTML-5
- Web Designers group
All the Best and Thank You for a Great 2014!
Warm Holiday Regards,
Todd Meisler, Kevin Koskella, John Bertino and Phelan Riessen
Event Specifics:
Date: Tuesday, December 16th
Type: Social no key speaker, just holiday fun and thanks!
Time: 6:00 - 9:00 PM
Location: Geary LSF, 401 West A Street, Suite 360, San Diego CA 92101
Price: a mere $5 but $10 at door so get your ticket now!
Parking: Street parking free after 6pm. The are lots of convenient lots nearby for those willing to pay.
Food and Drinks: Yes
Spirits: Yes
Holiday Cheer: You Betcha
See ya there!