1ST PRIZE: MOZ Swag Bag. Check out all the cool goodies below!
2nd PRIZE:
30-Minute 1-on-1 Online Marketing Strategy Session with ZD Design
3rd, 4th & 5th PRIZES:
A copy of "Lean UX: Applying Lean Principles to Improve User Experience" by Jeff Gothelf (Publisher: O'Reilly)
6th PRIZE:
SEM San Diego T Shirt
All attendees will receive a free e-book download from O’Reilly!
1ST WAY TO ENTER: Sign up for the Wil Reynolds event and then comment at the bottom of this blog post (and check the box to post on Facebook)!
*1 ticket for each comment with Facebook post.
2ND WAY TO ENTER: Sign up for the Wil Reynolds event, comment at the bottom of this blog post and then Retweet ANY SEM_SanDiego Tweet (MAKE SURE TO INCLUDE THE HASHTAGS #semsd #wilreynolds)!
*1 ticket for each comment with tweet.
• Winners will be drawn randomly. Must be present at the 5/27 event with Wil Reynolds at CPC Strategy.
• Details of event here: http://www.meetup.com/SEM-San-Diego
• Contest ends at 1:59pm Pacific Time, May 27th, 2014.